Meet me.

I’m a marketing geek focused on scaling brands via efficient acquisition and long-term retention. I believe that applying a one-to-one method across one-to-many channels builds customer loyalty and trust via genuine connection between brands and consumers.

I work well asynchronously and am a Loom superstar after working with globally distributed teams remotely since 2019, but I also love the chance to show off a new outfit I’ve recently sewn or to bring baked goodies to teammates at the office.

Based in Chicago, ready for the world.

I’m dedicated to making business owners as excited about analytics-based strategy as I am. Creative-turned-data-nerd, I’m your marketing strategist with a talent for metrics and an eye for top-notch content.

My home city of Atlanta made me, and I cut my teeth in the nonprofit sector before jumping into the fast-paced startup world. After growing my ecomm skillset quickly, I set out to grow brands that I love, specifically women-owned or operated businesses.

Penny (left) and Jasper (right) are our rescue chihuahua and chiweenie-chug, respectively 🐕

Check out the infamous river architecture tours next time you’re in Chicago - they’re worth all the hype.

After 6 years in the ecommerce space, I’m well-versed in most every element of the customer journey and am eager to pick up anything I have yet to learn.

When I’m not brainstorming content or diving into analytics dashboards, I’m often exploring Chicago with my partner and our rescue chihuahuas.

On the weekends I’m usually volunteering with local LGBT+ organizations, baking something new for my friends to try at our next Dungeons and Dragons session, or reading outside in my neighborhood park.







Fly By Jing


Onward Reserve


Baboon to the Moon














Eight Sleep










21 Seeds


Birthdate Candles


Anita Ko


Juneshine 〰️ Vessi 〰️ Judy 〰️ Fly By Jing 〰️ Onward Reserve 〰️ Baboon to the Moon 〰️ Bev 〰️ Health-Ade 〰️ Matchabar 〰️ Nori 〰️ Partake 〰️ Pourri 〰️ Eight Sleep 〰️ Bala 〰️ Gleamin 〰️ Touchland 〰️ Sanzo 〰️ 21 Seeds 〰️ Birthdate Candles 〰️ Anita Ko 〰️

Some Current and Past Clients 🫶🏼